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Hi everyone,

Starting Monday, the Carolina Excellence team will start to share our tools more broadly across campus.

  • In preparation for rolling out the hiring process toolkit, the team hosted several training sessions on using the new tools. HR representatives in the pilot project teams continued to help hiring managers in the Gillings School of Global Public Health and the Vice Chancellor for Research office implement the hiring process.
  • As part of the procurement process pilot, purchasing managers in the School of Dentistry and Athletics are using a new tool for helping users identify the most cost-effective purchasing method. This allows for an improved end-user experience, ensures purchases are tracked to the right category, and provides the University with valuable data about purchasing trends.
  • In addition to preparing for the rollout of hiring and procurement tools, we are also preparing to kick off new design teams in March. These new teams will focus on the priorities highlighted by the functional redesign teams in the first phase such as ways to remove pain points and inefficiencies in the research project lifecycle. More details about next steps will be shared in the coming weeks.

Please feel free to share this email with your colleagues. You can also visit our website, to learn more about Carolina Excellence and to see all of my previous updates. If you have any questions, please reach out to me at .



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