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Good afternoon,  

Last week, the chancellor and provost provided an update on campus planning for Fall 2021 including our anticipated return to in-person instructionThe Operational Excellence team has been supporting the University’s COVID-19 response in several ways since early 2020, and as the University takes steps towards a more typical residential academic experience next fall, the OE team has been called upon by leadership to continue to provide assistance. 

This temporary adjustment to OE’s timeline for design team initiatives on campus doesn’t come with a change in our approach. For example, skills that OE brings to the design team process – the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, being nimble responding to new challenges, or bringing together different functions across campus – are the same skills we’ll be applying as we continue to stay engaged in efforts related to COVID-19, including supporting the Carolina Together Ambassadors and Carolina Together Testing Program and helping to support a return to in-person instruction. 

Part of our role at Operational Excellence is to be a catalyst to make change happen, and that has never been more important than this past year. Meanwhile, we will begin the planning process for new initiatives that now have a modified timelineI look forward to sharing more about the three design team projects we have planned later this year, including the creation of a campus-wide Lean Management training as described in Strategic Initiative 8: Optimize Operations in Carolina’s strategic plan.   

Please feel free to share this email with your colleagues. You can also visit our website to learn more about Operational Excellence, read my previous updates and submit feedback. If you have any questions, please reach out to me at I read every email. 


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